
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I Found a Great Article on Being Alone and Lonely

I found a great article on being lonely during the holidays.  Maybe you are not in that boat but know someone who is.  Reach out to them and be a blessing.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Do We Do What We Read?

Do we read the Bible and do what it says?  Or do we read it and think about doing it and then soon forget what we have read?  The Bible says that if we do what the Bible says we will be blessed.

I have a calendar on the wall with birthdays circled on it.  I usually check it out at the first of the month and then think to myself "Ok, I need to get this person a nice card or a gift that would show that I love them".  But somehow, that birthday sneeks up on me.  I looked at the calendar.  I thought about the birthday, but I forgot about it in the busyness of life.

I think that is how I sometimes do God.  He tells me something in His Word but I get busy with something I think is important and forget the most important thing.  I forget the word the Lord was impressing on my heart.  Then I go on my way as usual and don't do the thing God pointed out to me.

Blessed is the man or woman who does the will of God.

photo by rollingroscoe

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Get Closer to God by Reading His Word

Do you feel less in love with God than you used to?  Are you going through the motions:  going to church, sayng your bedtime prayers?  Taking care of your family? 

How can you become more dedicated, stronger in your faith?  I heard someone say that if you desire to be more dedicated than you are right now then read your Bible more.  Study your Bible more.  Pray more.

If you want to be a better cook you would start cooking more often.  You would find different recipes to try.  You would spend more time preparing meals.  Learning and practice would help you improve your cooking. 

To learn more about becoming a better, more spirit filled Christian you would use the same tactics.  Read your Bible, pray more, then put into practice what you have learned.

This is such a simple approach.  I have been making this too hard.  Have you?  Try a simpler approach.  Read and pray more.  Then let God bless your efforts.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

If you would like to help others click on this link from guilting granny.  Here is her comment from a post I had written a few weeks ago.  She is getting quilts to those in need in Aurora Colorado.

Quiltingranny said...
I love it. I recently read when you are ready to grumble or complain, just practice saying Jesus name and you will forget all about it!
Speaking of helping others, I have set up a Facebook page to help get quilts to Aurora Colorado tragedy victims and while you may not quilt, knit or crochet, you can help by sharing this link, liking our page and telling others about it.
We have already raised and sent off 90 quilts and we still need 225 to complete the project!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Set Your Clock Back

Hi everyone,
Just thought I would remind you to set your clocks back tonight.  It's daylight savings time and we get an extra hour sleep in the morning.  Yeah!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thank You For Giving To The Lord

  I hope you enjoy this song.

Living in the Light/Dwelling in His Presence

Living in the Light/Dwelling in His Presence
by Rhonda Rhea
excerpt from Chapter 14 of:
How Many Lightbulbs Does It Take to Change a Person?
I admit it, I’m a cruise fan. I love everything about it. Especially the food. A cruise and overeating go together like a hand in glove. Well more accurately, they go together like a size ten hand in a size two glove. All the gourmet food you can eat, for crying out loud! I guess I was just asking for a trip back to maternity pants. I now refer to myself as “17 years post-partum.” The staff on the ship said the average person gains seven to ten pounds on a seven-day cruise. But then, I’ve always considered myself an overachiever.
On prime rib night, my husband and I were walking out of the dining room and, even though he was about to let his belt out a notch, Richie said he was thinking of ordering yet another prime rib. Another one! I figured that could cost him at least another two belt notches. I told him I thought that would be a mistake.
Get it? Prime rib? “Mis-steak”?
Anytime we’re going to overdo, though, it’s good to make sure we’re “overdoing” in all the right areas. First Thessalonians 4:1 talks about living right to please God and then it says, “Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.” To do and to overdo. It’s an encouragement to keep growing. Not so much growing in the “bring on the elastic waistbands” kind of growth. But growing in maturity.
We grow as we seek to stay in the light, dwelling in the presence of the Lord, making sure our lives are for Him and all about Him. Our growth is not an option. It’s a command. Verse 7 in that same passage in 1 Thessalonians says, “For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.”
Rejecting His instruction? Rejecting the Father Himself? Mistake of the highest order.
Growing in Him and dwelling in His presence results in a life in which growing “a notch or two” spiritually is a regular happening. The good kind of growth. And seeking that consistency in growth diligently.
There’s a lot at stake. Sometimes also a lot at steak.

Book Cover Photo
Rhonda Rhea is a radio personality, humor columnist, conference/event speaker and author of eight books, including I’m Dreaming of Some White Chocolate, High Heels in High Places, and her newest, How Many Lightbulbs Does It Take to Change a Person? She is presently working on her ninth nonfiction book, scheduled to release in early 2013, and just this week got a yes from a publishing board on a two-book fiction deal co-authored with her daughter, Kaley Faith Rhea. Rhonda is a pastor’s wife and mother of five mostly grown children. She chuckles through the hubbub with pastor/hubby, Richie Rhea, near St. Louis in Troy, Missouri.
About Rhonda's Latest Book:
How Many Lightbulbs Does It Take to Change a Person?—Bright Ideas for Delightful Transformation (New Hope Publishers, 2012). Author and speaker, Patsy Clairmont, calls the book “high voltage humor along with a biblical charge.”
In Ephesians 1:18, Paul prays, “that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened.” One version calls it “light” that will “flood your hearts.” God shines so much of His light through Scripture so that we can see—we can have understanding.
For every person longing for a change, for everyone who is getting weary in a grisly struggle to make a particular change, God-given enlightenment makes possible real change in every way. Lasting change.
The God who is powerful enough to create light, then create the sun—the God who keeps the sun blazing and the stars and moon reflecting—that same God is powerful enough, caring enough, and detail-minded enough to light our way. He wants to show us the path of change, and He longs to light the way for us in His magnificent plan for our lives.
How Many Lightbulbs Does It Take to Change a Person is a laugh-along-the-way journey into that light through God’s Word. His Word? Now there’s some enlightening! And I hear enlightening has even been known to strike twice in the same place.