
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Three Ways To Save Money On A Tight Budget

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When my two children were little money was really tight.  We barely had enough food to last the week.  I cooked from scratch just about all of our meals.  I did buy bread for sandwiches.  Looking back I can see a few ways that I could have saved a little more money.

I could have baked my sandwich bread.  That would have saved me a little money and would have been healthier for my family.  If you have not learned to bake bread it is a skill that would help you make your money go further.  Before you begin, look up a simple recipe.  Don't try anything fancy.  Work on one recipe till you get it down pat.  Find one that has only the basic ingredients.  If your bread doesn't turn out perfect the first time don't give up.  If there is a way to use the practice loaf for bread pudding or stuffing then try and do that.

Another thing I did not know about then was making my own soap.  I had never even heard of that.  Buying the ingredients for your soap may be a little expensive at first.  It may take some time to get the ingredients you need but just keep working until you get them gathered together.  Then study the recipes that you find online or in books at the library.  Take your time and carefully mix everything together.  You will save quite a bit of money. 

When you use aluminum foil for cooking don't throw it away.  Wash it like you would your dishes.  Rinse it and put in the freezer.  You can reuse it several times. 

These are simple tips that I have learned over the years.  I use them now because it can be hard to make ends meet on retirement benefits. 

I hope these three simple things help you.  I believe they will.  I will be sharing some of my soap recipes and bread recipes.

Are there tips that you can think of that would help others save money and make ends meet?  Please leave a comment below.

Until next time,
Take Care.

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